RE-FEM – ‘Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs’ is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. GA no. 2022-1-HU01-KA220-ADU-000089295 




RE-FEM aims to empower women entrepreneurs through need-based training for maintaining resilient businesses in the post-covid era. The project also wants to serve the needs of the trainers and mentors in business support and entrepreneurship working in the field of adult education by providing easily accessible, high quality and transformative training tools.
This project is the continuation of the iFEMPOWER project coordinated by HETFA between 2018-2021.

Activities and outputs

The implementation of RE-FEM consists of several interlinked activities in order to provide efficient entrepreneurial development for women through research, needs-based, high-quality training materials, e-learning modules and establishing an international network group for all the target groups involved in the project.

  • The partnership first conducts comparative research (Project result 1) to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges women entrepreneurs have to face in the post-pandemic area focusing on specific aspects of the situation of women with fewer opportunities.
  • Based on the research result, and partners’ expertise and knowledge in developing adult education, the partnership develops an inclusive and accessible Training Manual (Project result 2) with training materials and methodologies, and an Open Education Platform with an online course for entrepreneurship training (Project result 3). The training materials and online courses are to be tested and introduced to the wider public through pilot training and public stakeholder events in all partner countries.
  • The partnership lay the foundation for an international network, where women entrepreneurs, associated partners and consortium members can connect, build relationships, learn from each other and find partners for their future projects.
  • RE-FEM formulates policy recommendations to define directions for adult education, entrepreneurship, and the labour market to support women entrepreneurs in building and managing resilient businesses in the age of digital transformation. The recommendations are summarised in a ‘Policy Study’ (Project result 4).







RE-FEM gathers 1 Higher Education Institute, 2 research institutes, 2 public bodies, 2 business supporting NGOs and 1 individual entrepreneur.



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