

RE-FEM aims to empower women entrepreneurs through need-based training for maintaining resilient businesses in the post-covid era. The project also wants to serve the needs of the trainers and mentors in business support and entrepreneurship working in the field of adult education by providing easily accessible, high quality and transformative training tools. Brand-Sofi acts as a partner in the project.


The thematic network SALT (Archipelago and Countryside in Cooperation – Skärgård och landsbygd i samverkan – Saaristo ja maaseutu yhteistyössä) aims to promote the local identity, well-being, and participation of children and young people in the archipelago and countryside. In collaboration with municipalities, SALT develops various operational models that foster the development of a positive sense of local community among children and young people in rural and archipelago areas. Brand-Sofi acted as a consultant in the project. The project’s website is only available in Swedish and Finnish.


Phone: +358 50 5222642
Address: BRAND-SOFI, Krokasvägen 17, FIN-66210 MOLPE

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